D.0.3a. No- ' Subject: Reference to previous correspondence: t With the compliments of A copy has also been sent to {^~f*J Dominions Office, Downing Street, 3 o dec mi 93 lUacB wt523i«/3sa« 6.000 tm hasp Opc*o (KG639) Wt 1SM3/36S7 204000(*) 7/» at the conference secret and Immediate 3^ December, 1938 Dear Jacob, I enclose copies of two telegrams which have been received from New Zealand with regard to the proposed Conference on Pacific Islands questions. It seems clear that the questions raised by telegram No. 144 as to the scope of the Conference on the defence side and the United Kingdom representation at it will require to be further considered at a meeting between representatives of the Departments concerned. At any such meeting Eatterbee would like to be present. You will no doubt consider what form the meeting would most suitably take. Should it be a meeting of the Oversea Defence Committee or of some other body? In any case, we assume that, after discussion by the appropriate Committee, the matter will eventually come before the Chiefs of Staff who will probably wish to discuss it with Batterbee when they meet him before he goes out to New Zealand. I JACOB. I am sending copies of this letter to Aeheson, Balfour, lidelsten, Poster and Frith. Yours sincerely, tStened) C. W. the conference