T TKLSQRiJl ( HIGIICOUA, CANBERRA. mm la Secret. Commonwealth Government's telegram of 11th January, No. 6. following telegram has been received from Ills Majesty's Government In New Zealand. Begins. My Prime Minister desires me.......••••••••••••• His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia. Knds. Following reply has been sent. Begins. His Majesty*s Government in the United Kingdom agree Agenda. Jids, It is clear that if discussions at the Conference are to be of the nature suggested, attendance of senior officers of the three defence services will be necessary, and if Conference is to open in March it would be advisable that Officers at present in the neighbourhood of New Zealand should be be selected. it la thought, therefore, that moat suitable arrangement would be F Sir Ragnar Golvin and Lieutenant- General youires to be the naval and military service representatives on behalf of United Kingdom Government, provided that the Commonwealth Government were willing that they should so act in addition to any duties which they may be performing for the Conmonwealth Government in relation to the Conference. Please approach Commonwealth novernment accordingly and let us know as soon as possible whether they have any objection. or your own information position as regards R.A.P. representation is that consideration is being given to the question whether it would be possible for 3ir Arthur Longmore to be released from his duties in connexion with Aircraft Mission to Australia in order to take part in Conference in New Zealand in latter part of of March. View of Oovernment here as regards Conference generally Is that it is desirable to confine it as far as possible to inmediate problems.