Sir: DEPARTMENT OF 8TATE WASHINGTON January 3. 1939 ///<7 1 refer to the Embassy's note no. 346 of September 19, / / 1938 and to this Governments note of December 17, 1938, in the penultimate paragraph of which it was stated that the question of the Philippine Government's representation on the American Delegation to the conference to be held in London in February 1939, for the purpose of considering a draft convention for the exemption from taxation of liquid iyfl to, fuel and lubricants used in air traffic was being oon- lr A Vfefefcy^ sidered and that you would be advised as soon as a decision TV- (***9) - •QfC eg«>, waa reached in the matter. i* c*t*x*t % p it is now possible for me to inform you that the Philip- ^^^^fay^ pine Government has decided not to send a representative to the conference* Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high con- sideration. For the Acting Secretary of State: Mr. V. A. L. Mallet, C. M. British Charge d'Affaires ad interim. 579.6 AE 1/21 INDEX