BRITISH OffiASSY, WASHIMTW, D.Q., January 18th, 1939. No. 34. My Lord, With reference to my despatch No. 1160 of the 80th December, X have the honour to transmit to Tour Lordship a copy of an Interesting artlolo on the Lima Conference by Mr* Charles A. Thomson, published in the weekly bulletin of the Foreign Policy Association. 2* Mr* Thomson's conclusions, with which I find myself in agreement, are that "in positive achievements the Conference any bo ranked as a failure - negatively it may claim to ho a success; for at least It took no backward steps. At a time when general retreat characterizes the forces of peaceful cooperation and international understanding* it held ground previously won and kept the road open for further advance in the future." I have the honour to bo, with the highest respect, My lord* Tour Lordship's most obedient humble servant, The Sight Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K. O.ยป etc*, etc., etc< (3GD) V.A.I*. MALL&f U.K. Charge d'Affaires. GBtVAUfOR