Ho. 69 BRIfXSH KMBA8BY, WABHIWJf OW, r>. c., January 16th9 1959 Uy Lord, Although the case of Kr. Tom Mopney.v who has been in prison for oyer twenty years on account of the bomb outrage in San Franc 1 ago in July, 1916, (Bee Lord Reading's despatch No. 1078 of the 4th December, 1918) has not been the subject of any separate report from this Embassy for a number of years past, it has, as Your Lordship is no doubt aware, been the subject of constant agitation by the Labour movement, not only in this country but throughout the world. It may therefore be of interest to record that Moonay was released from San Quentin prison, California, on January 7th under an unconditional pardon granted to him by the newly- inaugurated Democratic Governor, Mr. Culbert L. Olson, who was pledged to do so if elected. It had, of course, been alleged for years that Mooney was convicted on perjured evidence i but the strength of organised feeling in California against '•radicals" had always sufficed to have hia appeals dismissed. S. On release, Mooney promised the Governor to devote the rest of his life (he is now aged 56) "to work for the common good in the bond of democracy1' * I have the honour to be, with the highest respect. My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient, humble servant, (SGB) V. A* L. MALLET H.M. Charge* d» Affaire a. The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K.G., etc* , ate., etc. VALM:CB;DH