Trade: China (reprisals) 15/ // /39 1$ BRITISH 1MBA3SY, WASHINGTON, D.C January 19tht 1939. No* 70# My Lord, I have the honour to report that Senator Key Flttaan, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is reported ae having in a press Interview given his rather grudging approval to the attitude of His Majesty's Government as sot forth la the note presented by His Majesty's Ambassador at Tokyo on the 14th January, towards the Japanese "new order1* in the Far Bast* 2. "I think the aotlon of the British Govern- ment", ho is reported as saying, "following the aotlon of our government in refusing to accept the repudiation of the Nine-Power Pact by Japan and la insisting that the sanctity of treaties Punnet bo violated under the excuse of a now order in the world, is very encouraging, mis Is only the second time, however in over seven years that Great Britain or any other party to the Nine-Power Pact has supported our government In its efforts to maintain obodienoa to peaoo treaties* It Is unfortunate that this action was not taken by Great Britain In support of the protest Made by our government to Japan at the time of the Invasion of Manchuria. " *• 1/ The Sight Honourable VALM:ACKU:NT The Viscount Halifax, K* G«, etc*, etc., eto. EX I ft. ^ it -8- 5* X aa sending a copy of this despatch to His Majesty's Ambassador at Tokyo* Z hare the honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lord, Tour Lordship's most obedient humble servant, *SaD) V.A.L. MAX&KT mil. Charge dfAffaires.