IXO. 3. SECRET . . Communication!* on this subject should be addressed to— TP' " NDER-Sf.CRETARY OF STATK, Dominions Office, Downing Street, London, S.W.I, and the following mini her quoted :— Co . Subject: Reference to previous correspondence : Letter J° the Dominions Office of the from Transmitted by direction of tue Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sent to t he 1-0 r /I Dominions Oflioo. Downing Street, 24J/JM939 193 WL «»74—1707 W*» IO/J7 T.S. W5 PARAPHRASE TliLEGRAM NEW ZEALAND Fran the Governor-General of Hew Zealand Dated 22nd January 1939, Received 9030 a.nu, 22nd Jan. No09o Secreto Your secret telegram No„12 of January 16th. My Prime Minister desires me to inform you that so far an New Zealand 1 Chiefs of Staff report is concerned it deals with a strategic survey of certain Pacific Islands only, and report is adequately summarised in my secret telegram of December 24th Ko«,145. At this stage His Majesty's Government in New Zealand would like to^t set out more precisely the points which they suggest should he discussed at the Conference namely (a) Possible lines of action by enemy powers against Empire interests in the south west Pacific in the period before the arrival of naval reinforcements, including (i) operations to capture bases in the Western Pacific,, (ii) Nature and scale of possible operations against Empire trade, (iii) Nature and scale of possible operations against Australian and New Zealand territory* (b) Measures necessary to defend - (i) Pacific Islands and Mandated territories, notably Fiji Tonga New Hebrides Solomon Islands* (ii) Ships trading with United Kingdom New Zealand and Australia* (iii) Australian and New Zealand territories. (c) Host effective means of cooperation with the United Kingdom in the defence of British Commonwealth after providing for security in the South Western Pacific, including schemes for mutual « reinforcement. (d) Coordination of dofence policy in peace and war. (e) Sources of supplies of equipment after the outbreak of war0 (f) Scales of reserves of supplies, including fuel and equipment (g) Possible effect of German demand for the return of Mandated Territories. (h) Economic aspects of war, Including probable effect on trade and shipping. ()) Policy in relation to Trana Pacific Air route and the United States activities in the Pacific. This agenda is dependant only in a small degree on report of the New Zealand Chiefs of Staff which affects point (b) above only. His Majesty's Government in New Zealand had hoped that it would be possible to hold the conference at latest by mid-March and they are somewhat disturbed at the proposal of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom not to hold it before the middle of April. His Majesty's Government in New Zealand still hope ! this will be possible and in view of relatively small importance of report of Kew Zealand Staff Chiefs already referred to, suggest that His Majesty1s Government in the United Kingdom may be able to decide on their representations forthwith and arrange for the arrival of their representatives by the middle of March. The substance of this telegram is being repeated to the High Commissioner for Western Pacific and to His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia.