There are three papers which require action in the annexed bundle - (a) 86059/39 Western Pacific, (b) 7025/2 Secret General, and (c) 6214/53. (a) deals with miscellaneous questions affecting islands in the Western Pacific and a£c, (tr) A "brief has been prepared by the Foreign Office dealing with the political aspects of the matter (5 on 7025/2). ®A brief is being prepared in the Air Ministry dealing with civil aviation aspects ani^a draft brief is with these papers dealing with the future of unattached islands in the area. There are certain subordinate issues, but the main points requiring decision on this paper Pa/vyn-s %IX are the form of the draft brief for Sir Harry ^tx4:ic*Jjx^- Batterbee in so far as the t&attached islands are concerned, and secondly, the instructions to Sir Harry Luke in regard to the date and the agenda for the proposed Conference. (Unfortunately some of the earlier defence papers and certain secret papers dealing with the Unattached islands cannot be traced. That and the fact that the files are constantly being required for urgent action has delayed the preparation of the brief for Sir Harry Batterbee). 2.2.59. rroriC 7A& <&iaj* tufa «^ GrtXff ox