New York Times, February 4, 1939 3? - President's Statement i Special to Tar Niw York Timis. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3 —The text of President Roose- velt's risume at hie press conference today of his conception of American foreign policy teas as follows: -EXCERPT FROM PRESS CONFERENCE No. 623 Feb. 3, 1939. The President: The [foreign] policy has not changed • and it is not going to change. If you want a compara- tively simple statement of the policy, X will give it to you and Kannee [Henry Kannee, - the' official stenographer] can copy it out afterward: No. 1: We are against any entangling alliances, obviously. No. 2: We are in favor of the maintenance of world trade for everybody—all nations—including ourselves. No. 3: We are in complete sympathy,with any and every effort made to reduce or limit armaments. "No. 4: As a nation—as American people—we are sympathetic with the peaceful maintenance of political, economic and social independence of all nations in the world-_^___; _ • ¦