16th February, 1 ;39. Afi&lnnt the baskf-round or tny necret letter of the lath rebruary about the general defence feeling in Hew 'eolmad, it ra*y be useful to set doom • few t iseiTim | out the forth- cmlng ; efence confer*nce In particular* S. Tt wee, os yon may imagine, rather a blow for Nip hftvlnr left London with the prospect of an eventual conference here, primarily concerned with the aclflc Air Route, to fln i on arnmi that it hsd blosacmod into a full- Orsee conference on ciefenoe In thlc ^art of the world, end, as you will hawe realised, the Hew ::eal«cjd Government would really lilte scwtfthinir In tho netw* of tm Imperial ei'ence onfcrenoe, thouah I f*ar that the sail.. In this respect in too ccr"t * ry of tater* (secret tele0Nn Wo. 17 of the 1st ;?*?bruaiy was not appreciate** hero* 3, I think that the r>(srvlceo ;onui«ely want a 3>efenco conference, partly In order to hring pressure to bear on the oovcmmorit, ocrtly In tho lioye of tHrootlof public attention towards defence problem. ithout, however, polng ao far no to at tribute bad faith to the Hew Zealand Gov*ra lent, I think that, when Inletors firat put Turwer i th« oropoaai, they lioped that it would be a useful piece of wlndow-drssslntfi they hoped to convtnoa the wore voesl section of the Opposition that they were ttfkizu: the initiative in ti:,nce isaUere, and at the acne time they saw a chance of netting out of the uonferenoe in a flood of genorftlltieo without either compromising /. B. BT£.-':l :i*yc>il| XQ,.$ u.V. 0. x. l.^ir l,\U;r; or o:> ; .it-lnr tfi-nasivea to err>en(Uture or rwiey, which, la their opinion, would Ml better si>ant on aociol expertraenta. ?hare may by ntlll* la the rainda of seme at l«Mt of the tnlatere, en Impress tan that the Conference will fee more useful sa camouflage tiian for ;.vreotlaal aahtevemeats, Ml T think that even Mini a tore, fop all their studied indifference, are r-tsttlnr a little jumpy. 4. The boat toctlce for tiw United CttfftM representatives will, of GOuree» be decide by the re^Yreaentntlves, Including the Ki«ft G«re*leRl.©n*r, whoa they arrive, IMl BMttftW t way be allowed to express th* Dope thai we shell net <.Haeoure£e **ay ajnwonchca mad* by #«* Zealand but that we should So our boot to bring the tfaw ZenlsyUk ¦ '¦ -ri .,-i . v- , :. . i-rui-, 5n order to bvg1| giving lift Sealsnd c-overnwrit e cftanoe to aay that tftey have ?.ip.Sq aavar.^es i:ut tfere rebuffed > «nd» secondly # because t*wr- ratline, frcm our ;>oiat rjf view, 01 ell the ^misters Is that toey seise ovary opportunity of indulging In generalities Ml era unlikely to adopt different wthoda on thle occasion. 5. As Joaaa, \ha *lniatwr at MlMtttft announced lest v/e«fc on the occasion of a review of saae cadets who were going to untroon, that the ;>oliey of the Govermont Ml MM closeat MMftftSi oo^?>eratim w*th Australia In all defence matters, I aa^ed Stevens, the fcecrstarv of the council of i;efenee end of the organization for RMtMl Security, how this co-operation at v>reeont worfea out. He said that technical co-operation between Australian ana lie* Zealand a-av&l forces and military forcea is er on Australian ooeotel defence reached the Hew Zealand Govemnont from the C,I,D., and preatrtebly the corresponding paper on .'few :,eaXeon the ilew Zealand Govormmit tentatively beg« eending the cemottwaelth ooremment copies of auoh defence papers ao they thought raight be of interest to the;-;. ?heoe papers were IMM9 sven acknowledged MM the Ooranonweelth Government dies not reciprocate. Mr. ^*evfc£?e than wrote to Mr. l-yonfs gunseating ooraplote reciprocity and exchange of opinion on defence oubjecta. He received e reply cordially KeXcoraliv- the proposal and aayin£ that the natter had been referred to tfr. ?horby» then mister of Jefenca In Australia, trm woon nc would hear further. Nothing rurther hasi however, bean heard fra??i the GowptonweAXth • overaoent from that day to this. 6. r So not know, of course, what will be contained in the -ntnorandura which the High .onsniss toner la bringing with him, bat, aa an exmpXe oi the kind of