Pacific Islands 91/ 2£ H BRITISH ZMBASaY, WASHINGTON, PV C.\ February 17th, 1959 No. 806 Mr Xordf 67 X have the honour to report that a bill (H.R. 2082) was recently introduced In the House of Representatives ffto extend the Jurisdiction of the United states District Court, Territory of Hawaii over the Midway Island , Wake Island, Johnston Island, Sand Island, Kingman Reef, Kure Ialand, Baker Island, Rowland Island, Jarvis Island, Canton Island and Knderbury Island, and for other purposes** of the same nature. 2. With the exception of Canton and En6?erbury Islands, the islands named are all United States possessions. Including presumably Sand Island which is little more than a rock, six to eight feet high, five hundred yards long and a few yards wide, adjacent to Johnston Island. S« As regards Canton and Knderbury Islands, however, I thought it well to bring this bill informally to the attention of the chief of the European Division in the State Department. Ur. Moffat said that he had not seen an&astill less Inspired the bill but promised that he would look into the matter. For my part I merely said that 1 thought the Question of Jurisdiction was one which should be considered/ The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K.Q., etc., etc., etc. VALM:FRHM:ACEM:DH li considered by wr two geverncneftts* and discussed, and that I van inviting tour Lordship's attention to the bill* X have the honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lord, Your Lordship'e most obedient* humble servant, (S0D) V. A* £. MAWST H.M. Chargs" d*Affaires.