P.O. 3. 8ECRE1 Communications on this subject should bo addressed to— The Under-Secretary of State, Dominions Office, Downing Street, London, S.W.I, and the following number quoted :— Subject: "'tTBTTT'rrr" nw ' ¦• ....._iVEDx 20FEB1939 Reference to previoxis correspondence *^G~ Letter j *°m the Dominions Office of (lie Transmitted by direction of the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sent to the ' Dominions Office, Downing Street, 193 1 8 FEB 1935 Wl. IJI74—3707 IO/J7 TS. 695 f PARAPBHA3B XEDU3RAM NEW ZEALAND From Mr. Boyd Shannon to the Under Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs- Dated 17th February, 1939. Received 7.67 a.m., 17th February, 1939. > No.31. Secret. Reference Governor General1s Secret telegram No.S3 of 17th February. Pacific Defence Conference. Beinjr much perturbed by the Australian reply Trime Minister's Department have suggested that, if His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom also desire the Conference to take place at an early date, it would be helpful if representations to the Coramonwoalth Government by New Zealand Government could be supported from London. I should be glad to know if any such action is found possible. 2. 1 should further be glad of guidance as to our general attitude to the Conference. 3. It has occurred to me that, even though the Conference is postponed, the opportunity might be taken of the visit of Air Marshal Longmore and Sir Donald Banks to the proposed tripartite discussions limited to air routes agenda contained in Secret despatch of 31st December No.381 from the Secretary of State but the Now Zealand Government I gather fear that the risk of loBing the whole will be increased if they show willingness at this stage to accept part*