His Majesty's Aifihassador presents his eompliraeats to the Secretary 'of f state and has the honour to inform Mr. Hull that Up* Mallet duly coMBiunieated the substance of the letter's note of February 8th regarding certain islands in the Pacific to His Majesty's Principal Secretary of state for Foreign Affairs* Sir Ronald Lindsay has now been instructed to assure Mr. Hull that His Majesty1 s Government in the United Kingdom are devoting careful consideration to the renewal of the United States Government's offer of Augustf 193r/ยป to enter into discussions concerning the status and use of those Pacific islands which both Governments claim. Kvery effort will he made to expedite a reply which must however it will be appreciated involve a certain delay owing to the necessity of consulting His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia, His Majesty's Government in New Zealand, and the High Commissioner for the western Pacific. V BRITISH BHBASSY, WASHINGTON, D. 0., February 20th, 1939. FRHM:AOEM:DH