NO. 221 3 21 BHITI3ti KMBA3SX, VA5!Iiri0T0If D.C., February- Slat, 1939 Uy Lord, I have the honour to inform Your Lordship that considerable prominence was given in the press to certain passages in the messages which the President sent by wireless on February 18th in connexion with the inauguration of the Golden Sato Exhibition at San Francisco and the Do Soto Pan*Amer i c an imposition at Tampa, Florida. In these passages ttr« Roosevelt extolled the virtues of democracy and emphasised the determination of the peoples of the Western Hemisphere to defend "the self "governing way of life"« Though the President made no speolfio reference to European affairs nor to the totalitarian countries his remarks seem generally to have been interpreted as intended as "a blunt warning to the dictators to stay out of the 2. The texts of the relevant passages in the two messages ran as follows. "Many times. In the elaboration of what I call the good neighbor policy, I have stressed the point that the maintenance of peace in the Western hemisphere must be the first concern of all Americans - North Americans, South Americans and Central Americans - for nothing Is mors true than that wo hero in the Vow World carry the hopes of millions of human beings In other less fortunate lands* "By/ The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K.O., etc., etc., etc. m 2* *»8* "By setting an example of international solidarity, cooperation, Mutual trust and mutual helpfulness, we may keep faith alive in the heart of anxious end troubled humanity, and at the same time* lift democracy high above the ugly trueulence of autocracy, "And so, when I wish the Golden Gate International i&poflitien all possible success, it is as an instrument of international goodwill as well as an expression of the material and cultural progress of our own West and of our Fac&fic Ocean neighbors/' and "It is the certain and unfailing safeguard of our inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Although the peoples of the Hew World are of many origins', they are united in a common aspiration to defend and maintain the self-governing way of life* That way of life is instinctive in all the peoples of the Western Heraisphere* "To show our faith in democracy,, we have made the policy of the good neighbour the cornerstone of our foreign relations. Mo other polioy would be consistent with our ideas and our ideals* In the fulfillment of this polioy we purpose to heed the ancient Scriptural admonition not to move our neighbor's landmarks, not to encroach on his metes and bounds* "We desire by every legitimate means to promote freedom in trade and travel and in exchange of cultural ideas among nations* We seek no territorial expansion* we are not covetous of our neighbor's goodst we shall cooperate in every proposal honestly put forward to limit armaments; we abhor the appeal to physical force except/ 29 except to repulae aggression; but wo say to all tho world that in tho Weo'terri Heihiaptiei'e - in the three Americas • tho institutions of denocraoy - government with tho consent of the governed • must and shall bo maintained." X have the honour to be, with tho highest respect, £fy Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient, humble servant, (33D$ R* 0. LIHD3AY