D.O. 3. SECRET Communications on thin subject should bo addressed to— The Under-Secretary of State, Dominions Office, nino Street, London, S.W.I, and tho following number quoted :-— c.o. Subject: f5>d^.«f i*uou_rf*» . Reference to previous correspondence: Letter fAe Dominions Office of the a) ¦ 1- from i Transmitted by direction of tho Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sent to the ^-^-i Dominions Office, Downing Street, 193 1 MAR 193S PARAPHBaSX TJ&^OBAM COltHONtVSALTH 09 AUSTRALIA From the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia« Dated 28th February, 1939. Received 11.36 a.m., 83th February. No. 21, Secret. The following is text of tomogram whioh has teen sent to the Prime Minister of Hew Zealand. Telegram becins. February 17th. Secret. Propoued Defence Conference. Advice has been received that HI a Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom will be i-epresented by Service Officers on defence matters. His Majesty's Government in tlie Commonwealth of Australia is agreeable to participate on this basis. As was, however, pointed out in my telegram of February 15th discussion on several matters in the Agenda could only proceed between the Ministers of the Governments concerned. Commonwealth Government are therefore of opinion that Item3 (c) (d) and (h) ure mutters that cannot be dealt with by a conference of Service representatives and that discussion on those Items must necessarily bo explorutorv only with a view to drawing up a report for further consideration by the Governments concerned. Attendance of a Commonwealth Minister would be impracticable and so far as Australia is concerned discussion will be on purely defence matters. In so far as the Defence Conference is concerned therefore Australian representatives will be empowered to discuss only the technical aspect of the Service pluns and it is noted that the United Kingdom Government's telegram of February 2nd also takes this view. Ow^yj to pressure of work to which my telegram of February 10th r^Hp*cd and departure of the Chief of Air Force Stuff for England ti^MHno&th the Australian representation will "be the Chief of Naval Staff affd Senior Officers of the Army and Air Force, ffe will notify full list later. Please advise d.-.te proposed and, in accordance with request of February 16th, forward, for examination in advance of the Delegation, ? paper(s) on Items in the Agenda. Telegram ends. COUUOUiteALTH 0*1 AUST&ifclA Prom the United Kinf^lora High Commissioner in the Commonwealth of Australia, Dated 20th Pebruury, 1939, Kuceived 6.63 a.m., 28th February. No. 33. J^cret, Your telegrura Ho. 34 of the 25th February Pacific Defence Conference* I have received oral information thut the Cabinet decided yueterday in Sydney thut they are pz*epared to release Colvin uu representative of the United Kingdom as well as of the Commonwealth, "but that theycannot release Soul res, since the Government is at present considering his report. Telegrams from the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia to the United Kingdom und New Zealand Governments which, inter alia, convey this decision are awaiting final approval of the Cabinet at today's meeting.