D.O. 3 Communications on this subject should bo addressed to— The Ukder-Skchktary of Statu, Dominions Office, Downing Street. London. S.W.I, and the following number quoted :— Reference to previous correspondence to Letter * the Dominions Office of the ItOiM Transmitted by direction of the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sont to the /rO/ *f Dominions Office, Downing Street, 3 MAR 1H9 193 Ciji6) Wl. 1JI74—J TO? 10.000 io/J7 T.S. 695 PARAPHRASE TELEGRAM COMttONV/EALTIl OP AUSTRALIA To the United Kingdom High Commissioner in the Commonwealth of Australia. Non 38o Secrete Reference telegram from Commonwealth Government No«21 of 28th February. We observe that only Service representatives of Commonwealth are mentioned in telegram to Prime Minister of New Zealand, We should be glad to know what Commonwealth Government contemplate as regards civilian representation, We are anxious to take advantage of forthcoming Conference to explore with Commonwealth and New Zealand, at any rate in a preliminary manner, possibilities of future action towards the establishment of a trane-Paeific civil aviation service. In Sent 10 p.rn 2nd March, 1959