D.O. 3 i- 'ORgl 7. Co Communications on this subject should bo addressed to— The Under-Secretary of State, Dominions Office, ,PtWKiNo Street. London, S.W.I, . the following number quoted :— Subject: ^c^x - 6MAR1939 Reference to previotis correspondence: Letter ^ the Dominions Office of the I. -/ Jrom I y Transmitted by direction of the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sent to the F- °- Dominions Office. Downing Street, -4 193 (•1316) Wl. S5I74—3707 W.000 'o/37 T5. 695 PARAPHRASE TELEGRAM cctasawEAvm a? auoVrawa. Fr^m the United Kingdom Hiah Consnisoioner in the Commonwealth of Auofcralia* Dated 3rd }4archf1939, Receired 0.I8 a»nu 3rd Maroh*1939<> NOo350 Secreto pacific Defence Conference. Information contained in ray telegram of the 29th February No*33 has now been confirmed i>y letter from prime Minister,