D.O. 3 Communications on this subject should bo addressed to— Under-Secretary of State, Dominions Office, Downing Street, London, S.W.I, and the following number quoted :— Subject: Reference to previous correspondence: Letter 2^0* Dominions Office of the (4 f 7/?f fa0>) Transmitted by direction of the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sent to the U£tXif ' C f .3 Dominions Office, Downing Street, AR 19 (•iji6) Wt. IJI74—SToJ io/MO 10/37 tS. 695 AUSTRALIA, From tha Government of tho Coimaomyaalth of Australia- Dated 6th0T3arch 1939. Received 6.25 a.n. 6th.Ha«sh, IMKDIATS. Ho.23. Reference bo previous telegram regarding the proposed ¦ Conference i)efence in tho Pacific Matter has "been referred to by the Australian Pres3 and I should like to make a statement here at an early date so far as Australia is concerned,* Please advise if possible by immediate telegram whether you have any objection to ny doing so0 \