NEW Z1SALAND To Mr. Boyd Shannon from the Under Secretary of mate for Dominion- Affairs. (Sent 8.0 p.m., 7th March, 1939). Immediate. Secret. Please see telegram to Governor-Generul of today No. 34. As Will be observed our feeling i3 that it is for His Majesty's Government in New Zealand, as the Government convening the Conference, to take initial action as regards any formal announcement as to the Conference. In the present international situation, however, Mew Zealand Government may like to have in advance our own ideas as to general lines which such announcement might take. We think that it might be to the effect that, as a result of suggestion put forward "by New Zealand which has "been under discussion during the last few months, arrangements have now been completed for the meeting in New Zealand in the near future of a Conference between representatives of the Governments of New Zealand, the Commonwealth of Australia and the United Kingdom to consider Pacific questions of common concern with special reference to defence questions (without entering into details of particular questions proposed for diseussion). Please communicate at once with New Zealand authorities informally in above sense.