D.O. ' J.O. 3. SECRET y r. 4ff Communications on this subject should be addressed to— n>er-secretary of state, Dominions Office, Downing Street, London, 8.W.1, and the following number quoted :— Subject : RECEIVE; ^'9MAR1939 Reference to previous correspondent:. Letter the Dominions Office of tfie Transmitted by direction of the Secretary of State for yA Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sent to the * * * " aj^f T 'r Dominions Office, Downing Street, 8 MArt 1959 193 D.O. wF 720/220. PARAHKA9E TEL:x>RAU To the Governments of the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand. (Sent 11.55 p.m., 7th March, 1939.) Secret. No.17. No.33. Reference ray despatch of 12th December Commonwealth of Australia No. 395 New 2ealand No. 359. While suggesting a few slight verbal alterations1 in terras of notes United States Government have nov/ agreed with proposals in principle. They have at the same time communicated to His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington a meiaorandura intimating that on several occasions the United States Government has stated that it is desirous of entering into discussions with the United Kingdom Government concerning the status and use of those Pacific Islands which both Governments claim and is ready at any date agreeable to the United Kingdom Government to institute such discussions; in the meantime it cannot of course acquiesce in the proposed settlement of the islands which are claimed "by the United States. It. is proposed to instruct His Majesty's Ambassador to reply on following lines:- * Begins. (1) It is believed by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom that the fundamental aims of the t?/o Governments are broadly similar and that the difference between them is mainly one of emphasis. United States Government have mainly stressed desire to arrive at a general settlement of conflicting claims to islands and wiBh question ef air navigation rights to be treated separately. . On the other hand United Kingdom Government have attached greater importance to question of air navigation rights and consider