D.O NKW ZEALAND To the Governor-General of New Zealand. (lient 7.30 p.m., 7th Maroh, 1939) ffo M Secret. following telegram has been sent to His Majesty's Governneht in the Commonwealth of Australia. Begins. Your telegram ox" 6th Uarch Wo. 215. i/e assume that His «.'.a Jeuty *b Government in the Commonwealth of Australia are axso in communication with His Majesty's Government in iJew Zealand as to proposed statement. iio far as His Majesty's Government In the United Kingdom are concerned our feeling is that in che present international situation it would be very dooirubie that any pu'Diic announcement as to tne forthcoming Conference should he concerted between the three Governments and anould be issued simultaneously in New Zealand, Australia and t/ie United Kingdom, we hope therefore that it may he .possible ^o defer any .-statement in Australia pending settlement of uuch announcement. It is assumed that action in this direction would he initiated by His Majesty's Government in Hew 2ealund as Government conveninp the Conference and this telegram is hcing repeated to them. Endu.