D.O. 3. # y-^- • Communications on this subject . should be addressed to— 'tnder-Seckktaky of State, Jomimons Office, Downing Street. London, S.W.I, and the following number quoted :— Co. Subject: c^_i. ^ Reference to previous correspondence: _ • /£) Letter 7**~ /fce Dominions Office of ttie M-3-^f V__7 Transmitted by direction of the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. A copy has also been sent to the (s€>- c. ufcu Dominions Office, Downing Street, 0 y»«WJ 193 (*iji6) Wt. 3JIJ4—j?o7 jo.ooo io/J7 T.S. 69S PARAPHRASE TET.EGRAM COi/nON'/Enl/Til OK AUSTRALIA, To the United Kingdom High Commissioner in the Commonwealth of Australia*, (tient 9„0 .p.m. 8th March, 1939*) XU$KBIATE« Noe39* Your telegram of 3rd Karch No«350 We are grateful to His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia for their agreement to -lake services of Colvln available as United Kingdom representative at Conferenceo Reasons for which they feel unable to release Squires are appreciated here but in view of his special Qualifications and after consideration of the position we feel that it would be very difficult to find any other Army officer so suitable for the purpose© If (as seeire probable) Conference cannot now be held at earliest before the end of March, would it be possible to reconsider position as regards sparing Squires.? We hope tha+ this may be feasible and should be grateful for very early reply since New Zealand Government has informed us that they are deferring fixing date of meeting of Conference pending information as to date of arrival of United Kingdom representatives«