D.O,3a. SECRET Subject: Qou^e l+io^J^. Reference to previous correspondence: With tho compliments of 'K. A copy has also been sent to Dominions Office, Downing Street, 10 MAR 1939 193 (RGC39) Wt 15368/3057 20.000(1) 7,M HASP Op ft 10 tHL3G8£M B-jponi the Government of fcew Zealand. I)eted9th J.larch^l939. "eceivod lO-45om 9th March Mo. «i9. Secret. Kis Majesty's Government irr Hew Zealand agree to the proposals in your telegram of the 8th March No. 35 Secret and were in feet forwarding similer proposals to His -Majesty's GoTernment in the United Kingdom and His Majesty5 a Government in the Commonwealth of .Australia when the above mentioned telegram wee received* Subject to the approval of His sty's Government in the Coicmonwealth of Australia being received, o statement in the form indicuted will be release* for publication in the morning papers in New Zeal end on Aaonday the 13th Kerch.