No. f'^/w/o- 3.1*4,, 4nd~ y^/L ¦ m Subject: fix^^ Reference to previous correspondence: With the compliments of A copy has also been sent to 'V^ Dominions Office, Downing Street, 193 It MAR 1939 (RC639) Wt 15568/3657 20.000(4) 7/36 II & SP Gp 640 T3LBGBAM GOUmiiiKSiaL OF AUBSUALIA tfvom the Government of the Oommonwjnlth of Australia* Dated llth i:arch, 1939. Received 7.52 a.m. 11th ->>rch# Uo<,25. following telegram has "been sent to Prime Minister Hew Zealand Secret Your telegram llth torch. Statement, contained telegram from :3i.cretary of Ktate for Dominion Affaire 8th i.i;-rch will he published here 15th uaroh morninc press. Vhis Btaterient will ho supplemented "by contents "by me somewhat on the lines contained in latter part of my telegram 8th I torch. Details as to agenda v/ill not he referred to in the statement. Prime Minister Commonwealth of Australia*