PARAPHRASE T3L15GRAM NSW. ZEALAND t From the United Kingdom High Commissioner in New Zealand. Dated 14th March, 1939. Received 1.9 p.m. 14th March, 1939. IMPORTANT. No. 36. Secret. With reference to my telegram of today Ho.35. Correspondence just received from the United Kingdom High Commissioner in the Commonwealth of Australia indicates that the Commonwealth Government have no objection to Colvin representing the United Kingdom at the Defence Conference in addition to representing the Commonwealth of Australia. In this connection I find that the Hew Zealand Government regard it as very important that the United Kingdom naval representative should "be in a position to give them latest available information on the matters indicated under (a) and (b) in the Governor-General's telegram of 17th ltebruary Ho.S3. These points do not appear to he covered entirely by the memorandum COS 333 of 1st itebruary copy of which 7. will comiunicate as soon as possible to the Ken Zealand Government. S. Impracticability of attendance of Squires which appears from the Canberra communi cat ions and the apparently inevitable postponement of the Conference boyond the middle of larch (which was date originally desired by His Majesty's Government in New Zealand) raise the question whether it Would be practicable for military representative to be sent from the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister's Department and all the Service Departments have represented that this would be desirable and the presence of Senior Military Officer from home might be useful in other ways which ghfc-iiipn has already indicated* 3. 3# I have no reason to suppooe that Colvin and Longraoro will not "bo acceptable*