D.0.3a. .-----Yoztf*. No. j) Zyty'f- Subject: Reference to previous correspondence: With the compliments of ^*W*&r«» to to* iMiMmN :^o, ¦ ©f |m sth or /.-iiNfet X «a«i«M * e«?t*« el1 6 imte ©a urn tmXG&m mm taMMtft It !* tftwatftt t&»t tte *;i**to »4Xi *<*?*w « s ferU* for soft the :«t«i fcfgiffii ripMtoUvw At tte t*ortte«u«^ *©m« vatfw&itw oat t&e rrwst ttwtt ¦^ailcna ratmMl ia *&• ^ymw a tel««ww to* 15 tba -e-^ort &f t&* »m zmXm* cat*** ©f toff oo certain will notUw tiwt, in eomtocUcn with t£* i mute- *53w8 t&« iKft&pM-twd ftwaniKt-iw^ttoo g»f K^roJUnwau In n$t {ymm&ms&m ao and H}» it u ¦»m»»m>* «wt to* caw—muto e»* Mr a«M imwmmmto m«fot b» i«vit#6 to t?e«r » if t£u» *©»t. ®» cawix to* gied if taw csaii«d | intern .;ie fotfltftsr of irtji am r«iralattofl tht following «tttiW4t« *f fJNi «§4ttt