/ D.0.3a. No. SECRET S3 Svbject: PLcl^£ >m Reference to previous correspondence: With the compliments of 4wSW**- . A °°Vy ha» also been sent to/Hw* 6*J^k~, Dominions Office, Downing Street, kOvL..a^U. iUcI 14 MAR 1955 193 155255 JJi???#/3M6 5 000 2'M n * sp oomo PARAPHRASa TSLSGStoM N3ff 23ALAHD To the United -Cingdom High Commissioner in Hew Zealand. Sent 4.15 p.m. 14th llarch, 1939. Iio.4 3ecret. *our telegramsof 3.4th i.Inrch Hps We have sent you "by lost atfi mail O.D.C. minute dealing with Pacific Islands questions, in addition to CO.3. 032. aIoo you will have documents mentioned in ny telegram of 10th i'.arch No.l. »e hope also to send as soon as possible general instructions as to lino to "be taken by United i'ingdo::i representatives on defence questions. 0O)TWiesiot<«r^Coriberra on oth March to take up again with Commonwealth Government question of making Squires available. We are endeavouring to secure immediate answer as no reply has 5'et "been received. If this arrangement 3till proves impracticable suggestion in paragraph 2 of your telegram *.o.36 will be considered Immediately. As regards Array representation wc aoi:ed High