Ti-ajiSGRjiH S*om. the United Kingdom Hi#i Coraraiosioner in New Zealand. A)ated 18th Iterch,19,;9# .Received ?~8ew 18th Kerch,1939, • Ho. 150, Secret* My telegram lio» 49 of the 18th torch Secret, Wow Let-lend Government hero enquired whether His Majesty'^ Government in the United Kingdom agree to xhe opening of the conference on *Tlduy the 14th April in Wellington ana if so to announcement of the date end of the nemee of the dolegotee in time for publication in flew Zealand evening papers Utirch ^£nd* The New iSeol^nd Government have addressed similar enquiry to tl e Coi&i.onweelth Government- I rm in touch with the High Commissioner for the Western ?aoifSo end undeistand that he can if necessary be here on the dote proposed.