HSU Zii/.LiiND, rom the Unitod Kingdom m&i ComnilaQioner an Hew Zealand. Dated 18th March, 1939. Kecoived 6r47eio 18th March ,1939, Ho, 48, ^ticrnt « Your telegram of the 17th March tic.10 Defence Sbuferenoe. Sew Xealahd Government ore grateful for aavenoe information and assume that reply will now be sent to the Governor General of New Zealand Secret telegram of thy ^nd ttaroto Ho.27 including the names end approximate d«te of arrival of the service delegates together with acceptance ox the offer of hospitality ( If this is accepted I assume that the delegates already In Australia will be informed. The High Commissioner for the ftestern Pacific has already accepted,} Ko? completeness reply might also refer again to the tv/o High Commissioners as members ox the delegation. 2» As regards the fourth p^ra^raph it would seem suffioient tt; say that the delegation expects to leave Sydney for "Wellington by Sr.a. V.-aitganelle 8th ..prii if this is the cese. 3. If the telegram could include confirmation of the assumption in the fifth paragraph it would 1 feoi be wry helpful* i'lease tiy© my telegram iimoe«.iately following,