Taxation: U.S. Imperial Airways 116/ 5 /39 B8XTX3H SKBA3SY, WASHINGTON, |S C, March 20th, 1939 8ir» Z have the honour to refer to your note Vo* 611.41246/49 of the 17th February regarding the question of exempting from United. States customs duty supplies and equipment withdrawn from bonded warehouses in the United states for the use of aircraft registered la the United Kingdom* You were so good as to state In this note that the Collector of Customs at New York would be instructed as to the privileges of free withdrawal which should be granted to aircraft registered in the Baited Kingdom, as soon as the Treasury Department received confirmation from the Department of Commerce that substantially reciprocal privileges are allowed or will be allowed in the United Kingdom in respect of aircraft registered in the United States. X trust that the information contained in ^/Syio/^F|Ep# Mallet's note No. 497 of December Slot last will have satisfied the Department of Commerce on thl s point* In that event I would venture to express the hope that the necessary instructions may be issued as aeon as possible by the Treasury Department in view of the fact that in the meantime Messrs* Imperial Airways are still being required to pay duty on supplies and equipment withdrawn from bonded warehouses in the United States, despite the facilities which as indicated/ The Honourable Gordoll Hull, Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, &• Ct indicated in Mr* Mallet's above mo.ftti'phea note, have been granted la this reBpeet in the United Kingdom for a considerable time past to aircraft cegisteped la the United States. Z should be grateful If X might be Informed at an early date of the decision which has been reaehed in this matter. Z hare the honour to be, with the highest consideration) Sir* Tear most obedient» humble servant* (SOS} X, C.