D.0.3a. No. f. >2o/??f Subject: Reference to previous correspondence: With the compliments ol^tfk. A copy has also been sent to*-*^ Dominions Office, Downing Street, ^ /Ka^c^^^c^ ft*? 1959 (R6039) Wt 1556S/3657 SO.O0O(J) 7/36 II A SP Op 610 7EI-SGRAH # HBW 3SALAMD *>rom the United Kingdom High Commissioner in Bow'fcoalewd, *>ated iaarch,i939 Kecaired i0.40am 2iet Jterch^ j.939 No 56 Confidential Addres&ed tu the Bomlniuaa Office Ho 56 repeated to the uigh Commi0Sica«r Canberra tfo 14 Gonfiaantia Defence Conference* New Zealand J>e.legatlon will ocnslst of ail the Bombers of the Council ct D*efe: