m4p MxtitH must. P IUSHIWTOB 0,0* H«Ob Sard 1939. HO.339. Uy Lord, I have tho honour to transmit to Your Lordship the accompanying article by My* Walter Llpprsann efcich appeared la his syndicated ooluon this morning, Mr* Idppmroi's estimate of public opinion on foreign affairs formed after a Journey through th« oountry lo that tho public lo no longer neutral In thought and that a spectacular act of violence la Europe by tho dictators would cause an explosion of foaling here* On tho other hand "another Munich wiix cause another rot urn to isolationist1 and tho Kuropean democracies "nay expect aaaiat&nee only insofar as the? first oho* that they help themselves"* X have the honour to bo, with the highest respect* Mr £***f Your Lordship** aost obedient, huable servant. (301} R.O* LUIDHAY, The Right Honourable Tho viscount Balirao* k*g*, etc*« etc*, etc* RCL:VALM:MS P.S. I am sending a copy of this despatch to the High Commissioner for the United Kingdom in Canad;