o.0.3a. fa .Yo. Subject: P< Reference to previous correspondence : V, With the compliments of A A copy has also been sent to M** &<*A^*^ Dominions Office, Downing Street, 2<* WAR 1939 193 *0<*^ C^t.. *^fot/£* (R<«^9) Wt 15568 3GS7 S0.000<4) 7,'M If A Sp Cp flIO n n PA:fAPIIRASK TKLEGRAM NEW ZEALAND From the United Kingdom High Commissioner in New Zealand. Doted 24th foarch, 19tf90 Received 8a30 a.mo. ii4th March. Koe590 Secret.-, Your telegram Wo0l7 of the 23rd Murch. The New Zealand authorities are naturally disappointed but they fully appreciate the impossibility of sparing a 3taff officer in the present circumstances.