^ D>0.3a. Subject : Reference to previous correspondence: With the compliments of s, A copy has also been sent to *£*4^U£S Dominions Office, Downing Street, CttS7 ^ • 193 Wt 1556S/3657 20.000(1) 7/36 II &&T C.p 840 PARAPHRABfi IBIKOHAH COJUOJPVlfiALTJi OV AUoTOAl.IA. Prom the tr.ited Kingdom High Commissioner tn the Commonwealth of Australia, Dated 24th Harch, 1939, Received 10d2 a«nu 24th March, 1989. R6«66f Addressed to the Dominions Office No„55 repeated to the High Ceramist-loner Wellington Noo20 &) Your telegrams of March 17 th No,52 and Wo«:530 The Minister for Civil Aviation has informed me that having regard to the attitude of the United Kingdom Government, which he fully appreciates, and to the views of the New Zealand Government, item (a) will presumably remain on the agenda; that he is therefore discussing with the Prime Minister the question of sending a Civil Aviation authority to the Conference; and that he will advi3e mc as soon as a decision is reached©