PARAPHRASE TKLfcORAH i&Stf 2KALAHD From the United Kingdom Hi/vh Commissioner In Hew Zealand. Dated 13th April, 1939. Received 2.154 p.m., 18th April, Uo. 92 Secret. My Secret telegram Jo, 88 of the 17th April. Conference. Committee one met this morning and adopted a draft as regards Item (a) a:; basis of a Report to Conference. In principle they agreed that steps to strengthen the defonceo of Fiji should he taken and appoint a uub-conBTdttee to make detailed recommendations both as re^rds Fiji and regaining plnces mentioned in (h) (1). Pi'esentaticn of the report is proposed hy the sub-committee on the 19th April. 2. Item3 (e) (f) (h) were further conaidered by Committee two. Nov; Zealand representative asked Coranittee to recommend th< without a solution of the basic problem of the shortage of sterling funds, reuerveo of equipment and raw materials could not be built up by New Zealand. This subject the United Kingdom representative pointed out was beyond their competence. 3. Committee three continued Its discussions on Tran3 Pacific Air Koute and adjourned tiia the 19th April, Copy by mail to High Coi!tiils:iioner Canberra.