(o /o--Jc--^ 6 A -Je.__ 4^ £3 A. -_ /o £ £? A. ¦_J* (ufiw tju2f < (4 £ChMU tU*H" 1o £>.--^ .---J^Bo 71 7z fa*fa * x P "fait* V3A (cm a c A 5 9fr p (%\ i t i t, Ul. M fa fy, W ir W- rfj/^ 77 A--- ^_zz/s/a & c ami \ f - it dp.-; x ,__ (jbty rffSj ^L*^- ff^Ad*—^ £rt~) n J*__-- to I__Je_ ^ Q k _ & ___________________—^M; 7T-7? ? '3 i $2 do ¦A. it, Y4 %1 & — 4 ft w ^ £^ ^ M* *~ .-lie. ft* S**^- _ i>^wa eJ.'^ C * :" ***** fd c~*7 of st^vuj •¦ U- oSUf tt^r M dh: MJtL o-, £ (C+ aei*s Iff . ^ n /c fm^^ rue, fx y*' rg 87. I agree with the distribution proposed. I suggest that we might perhaps send it to the other Departments under cover of a "brief letter incorporating the first sentence of Mr, 3evir's minute. No action is required on (88), but Mr. should see in due course. 89. This was discussed at yesterday's meeting of the O.D.C. , when it was agreed that there would be no objection to the exchange of information suggest!,©*, on the strict understanding that this would not involve either the French or ourselves in any commitments. The Dominions Office are informing the High Commissioner ^y\Jo this effect, and are asking him to notify Sir H. Luke on our behalf, and to ask him to proceed accordingly. A copy of the Dominions Office telegram should 0'h f/ should be put on this file in due course; I think, too, that it would be a good thing if a note were made on some appropriate separate file of the recent correspondence which we have had about the inter-change of defence information with the French - e.g. the correspondence with the Gold Coast and Nigeria, and that on this file. 90 can be put by. 19.4.1939. i4 (™^*~ (SUjj^x^ ^___A , . A___-- 92 . 4^ /7 2 8 APR 133ft 1f J> J T ---4 1 ) 11 1 ' jC «dfi/iu£* d& /oJt ^7 /fp/,EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THF gj^l ^ ,........m............held m it MEETING OF THE........