D.0.3a. . SECRET V / No. r-^jao[3«U /S^jeci:^«^0- W<^- Reference to previous correspondence: With the compliments of /Vw A copy has also been sent to Dominions Office, Downing Street, 7> J»l 19-39 193 1K5052) Wt 325I«/3SM !"..(«0 2'3« B A SP GpMO (KW30) Wt lM08/30r.7 20.000(4) 7/M COPY. OFFICS OP TK3 HIGH COMMISSIONS A. 2. FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM. WELLINGTON, N.Z. 7th June. 1939. 8 1 0 1 E T. Dear Liesching, RLtift reference to my letter No. 2. of the 2nd June, we asked the New Zealand authorities what work would actually 'be carried out by the New Zealand survey party In Tonga, .estcrn .^amoa and Pi^i, and I now enclose a copy of a note on the subject supplied in answer to our enquiry. 2. The hydrographic surveyor mentioned in ray previous letter will be Lieutenant-Cora; :under i olden from H.M.3. Endeavour, and I understand that both his services and those of .imbuLh have b en made available. 3. I am sending a copy of this letter to Canberra, and also to the Western i acific Kigh CoKii.tission, though, before this letter reaches -iuva, launders and Gibson will have been able to report there the results of their visits to all three piac b. Yours sincerely, (3gd.) G.B. Ik)yd Jhannon LI ACHING, ESQ C.U.G.