Mr. Lee 13/6/39. Mr. Bevir 14/6/39. 5 , ( 4 on 7025/2A/39 Part I Mr. Antrobus 16/6/39 at once as draft. ^ 5 ^ CYPIUK TiiLKQRAM from the Secretary of Stute for the Colonies to the Governor of Fiji. (Sent 0 p.m., 12th July, 1939) No. 112. Secret. Your telegram No. 93. Recommendations in paragraph 59 of report of Hew Zealand Defence Conference have nov/ "been considered "by Oversea Defence Committee, following is summary of Committee's views with my comments. Numbering follows that of sub-paragraphs of paragraph 59 of Report, (a) IjJX (i) Committee endorse recommendations for expansion of Defence i,lorce. War Office are investigating possibility of providing machine guns and small arms ammunition required. I agree with Committee's view and trust that expansion of force will be begun forthwith. Assume you will consult Government of Hew Zealand direct a3 regards proposed provision of rifles and web equipment. It is not yet known here whether New Zeals-.nd Government has accepted recommendation of Conference in this respect. I will communicate further as regarrto machine cuns and ammunition. (iii) Committee recommend that Suva should be classified as Category A defended port with coast defences -2- of 2 6-inch guns and 8 search-lights. If Commi ttee of Imperial Defence approve recommendations, defences will "be provided from United Kingdom sources as and when available > "but demands of Suva must "be considered in relation to similar demands throughout Kmpire. Sence there may "be some delay. In the meantime Admiralty are considering whether guns can he provided from Admiralty ¦ sources in Australia. Will communicate further as to this, hut in the ¦ meantime it is desirable that preliminary arrangements should be considered for recruitment of personnel ( 6 officers and 106 other ranks) who will he required to man defences, in order that there may be minimum delay in forming unit when equipment is available . No-- actual recruiting should of course, be be^n at present. (iv) and (vi). Committee endorse recommendation that two landing grounds should he constructed. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom will share cost- equally with Hi3 Majesty's Government in New Zealand, on the understanding that financial contribution from United Kingdom funds is limited to half estimated cost of constructing landing grounds only, and that cost of other facilities for New Zealand Air Force is home by His Majesty's Government in New Zealand. Assume you will communicate with Government of New Zealand as regards construction of landing grounds, but you should defer any such communication for the present -3- pen&ing conclusion of conversations on defence matters in at present proceeding/London *'ith the New Zealand Minister of finance. (i) Committee endorse recommendation to raise one infantry company, as being an essential corollary to proposal, to construct landing grounds in Tonga, since these, if constructed, must "be defended. It is not, however, recommended that any part of recurrent cost should he borne from Imperial funds. Initial equipment and arms would, hov/ever, be made available by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and in Nov; Zealand as set out in paragraph 45 of the report. I appreciate that absence of any promise of financial support towards recurrent cost may make it difficult for Government of Tonga to maintain force proposed, and I should not wish any undue pressure to be exercised if Government of I'onga is, in the circumstances, reluctant to undertake commitment proposed. nevertheless, unless you see any objection, I should be obliged if you would approach Government of Tonga at a favourable opportunity in order to ascertain whether they will be prepared to implement proposal on the understanding, set out above. (ii) Committee welcome proposal of Government of Hew Zealand to survey possible sites for emergency landing grounds. You 4 You will no doubt concert arrangements for such surveys with the Government of New Zealand direct, in consultation with the Government of Tonga. (&) ffannrinft Island; ' (i) Committee v/elcome proposal that one platoon from New Zealand should he stationed at Fanning Inland in peace, on the understanding that ..hole of initial cost and of subsequent maintenance will he "borne "by His Majesty's Government in New Zealand. New Zealand Government are considering advisability of sending a platoon as a temporary measure for such purposes as construction of section'posts and improvement of water supply, hut have not reached a final decision. (ii) You arc taking action as regards food reserves and will no doubt report if there is any difficulty. (e) Qcoan Island: (x) Your action is noted. (ii) War office will be consulted as regards proposed supply of arras and ammunition in light of separate telegraphic correspondence. / (f) New Hebrides and (3) New Caledonia : As regards financial implications of above proposals, I have noted v/ith appreciation recommendations in paragraph 5 of your despatch of the 17th -January, 1939. I assume that it will be possible for -''i.-ji to meet; Your report on these items will be awaited. (i) -5- (1) any capital cost involved by proposed expansion of Defenc, Force (2) inci*eased recurrent cost "both of proposed increase in Defence Force and of unit to man coast defences ; (3) recurrent cost of maintaining landing ground; (4) cost of small R.H.V.R. unit concerning which I am sending a despatch. I agi'ee that if Pijl accepts responsibility for these charges, annual voluntary contribution of ,05,000 hitlerto made for Imperial Defence should he discontinued.