Conferences: Tax exemption for liquid fuel and 1/ lubricants used in air traffic No*343. BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHIRGTOI P.O. Augutt 18th 1939. ••ft with reference to my note Ho. 139 lM of tha 7th April regarding the Convention concerning the exemption from taxation of liquid fuel and lubrioants used la air traffic opened far signature is London on the let March last, X have the honour, under instructions from Hit Majesty1a Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affaire, to inform you, with particular reference to Article 9(8) of the Convention, that the Greek Minister In London* -on signing the Convention on the 90th May, made the following reservation on behalf of the Greek Government:- "The Royal Hellenic Government reserves to itself the right not to put into application in Greece the provisions of Article 3(1) (b)." 4 cote dated the 30th Hay was also received from the Greek Minister referring to the Greek Government's reservation and containing the following explanatory statements* "Foreign airoraft, travailing ever Greek territory, are exempted from payment of all duties on the quantity of liquid fuel and lubrioants, which are carried in the tanks of the aircraft, when entering Greek territory. As to the liquid fuel and lubrioants that such craft may take on landing in Greece, payment of duties is required only on the quantity necessary for the flight over Greek territory, the surplus amount taken, in excess of its requirements for the Greek course, being exempted / The Honourable CB:acem:MS Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United states, Washington, D*0« •xamptad frea all taxation* •It it tfala taxation. raducad to the abovo-sontionadl 1'raita, od quantities Of liquid fuel and lubricants taken by aircraft in oreak ro-Xuelllng ttatlone, that la affooted by the reaorvatioo aade to paragraph t(|}(b) of tha International Convention*" Z haw tha honour to be* with tha higbeet oonaidoratton, 8i*f To^r noftt obedient* tamable aercant. (530) 8.C#UKDSAY,