BRITISH EMBASSY, WASrllCTGK B.C. August SBBth 1939* My Lord, X have the honour to transmit to Your Lordship herewith copies of the texts of tho messages addresstd by President Roosevelt to the Clog of Italy on August 23rd and to Uerr Hitler and tho ^resident if Poland on tho following day* X also endos* herein tho text of tho reply received froxa ^resident Moszieki on August 25th and tho text of a further atssago sent that evening by tho President to Herr El tier* Finally 1 enclosethe text of a messa&o soot by the President on August 25th to the Slog of tho Belgians. 0* Too* Lordship will already be aware of the contents of all these messages which have received wide publicity in tho press, and la the circumstances I have thought It superfluous to inform you of their substance by telegram.' 3* . I am sending copies of this despatch to Ma Majesty*syMQbaasadors at Berlin, Sosst, Warsaw and Brussels* . ^/ X have the honour to bo, with tho highest respect, My Lord, Your Lordship's stoat obedient humble servant. (for tho Ambassador) t Honourable (8381 ¥*A*L.KA.LMf. Tho Viscount Halifax, £«& 9te*<, etC'Xto ote* VALM:FHHM:MS