6*1 Sir: DEPARTMENT OF 8TATE WASHINGTON January 9, 1939 I acknowledge the receipt of your note no. 497 of ^ / / December 21, 1938 In regard to the exemption from United States customs duty of supplies and equipment withdrawn from bonded warehouses In the United States for the use of aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. in The contents of your note have been communicated to the Secretary of the Treasury. gr~- I shall be glad to communicate further with you in regard to the above matter as soon as I shall have received a reply from the Secretary of the Treasury, ^^r* Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high con- \ ^ V sideration. For the Aoting Secretary of State: Mr. V. A. L. Mallet, 0. H. G., British Charge d'Affaires ad Interim. 611.41246/46 mm INDEX