/ CYHBll T3LEGRAM NEW ZEALAND ?rom the Government of Hew Zealand. Bated 17th October, 1939- deceived a.m., 17th October. No. 186 Secret. In the report of the Dofence Conference, Paragraph M>, it was recommended that two landing grounds should be established, one at Tongatabu and one in the Vavua group, and that the Hew Zealand Government should make the necessary preliminary suvery. I ai:* advised that survey has now been completed and a tenbitive estimate of the cost involved in the construction of the Aerodrome at Tongatabu is twenty five thousand five hundred pounds. Plant now engaged at Pi^i where Aerodrome work is nearing completion will be returned to New Zealand, imt could be utilised at Tongatabu. To avoid extra shipping and other expenses His Majesty's Government in New Zealand would be glad to know as soon as possible whether Hie i.ajesty's Government In the United Kingdom consider that the work at Tongatabu should hew be proceeded ;;lth, whether the cost of constmiction will be contributed to by His majesty's Government of United Kingdom and if representations will be made for assistance from the authorities* in Tonga. SECRET. ? 2, A EXTRACT FROM FIJI AND WESTERN PACIFIC HIOH COMMISSION TERRITORIES. INTELLIGENCE REPOPT. (No. 1 Of 1939). ' ^ART II. 4. FANNING ISLAND DEFENCE. During the visit of the m.v. "Moamoa" to Fanning Inland exhaustive discussions regarding the defence of the island took place between the Administrative Officer, the Manager of Cable and Wireless, Limited, and the Acting Resident Commissioner. The basis of discussion was memoranda furnished by the chief of the New Zealand General Staff outlining defence measures for Fanning Island, During the quarter under review the High Commissioner appointed Mr, P.D. Macdonald, Administrative Officer, Fanning Island, President of the Defence Force thus enabling the formation of a Rifle Club, the institution of Defence Force Drill, and the selection of observation x X posts and an evacuation camp. x I X