D.0.2 With the Compliments of the— UuJcfnSfopctary of Olalc fui Dumimon AiffflifH. Dominions Office, Downing Street, S.W.I. 19 / .U.43T/4. --:—;-i. «toi*:rv i:;3», JJJOwr Dean, 1 encXoao a copy of a tflXc^w* from tho oi «ont oT flow :.oaX«nd in which thoy niat thfi quo»iIon another tho construction of on oerodrorae eft TontfOtnou should b* proceeded with in prooottt eirouciatancea* AO you will raml«ri it was Oeoided ot tho ^efonoo Conftrenee in wee ze*I**nd la^t , prli (paragraph 4fi of tho HeyoctJ that tho umm «aXnad ooveraaent ehould ho i*eu onaibXe for nmxin^ tho neeeeaary preliminary survey in connexion with tho proposed eetabllahtaent of landing .,r>.nv-e ft , on,.n'.;;o-i MM in tht twee roup* o should ho glad to receive tho wlee* of tho Air Ministry ao to tho re^ly to bo o»nt to ..ew owl'nu. ho matter appeera to bo of none ur^eney in vlow of tho s>itu;*£tian thnt tho ;>laut now ongn^od in r i jt Might bo treueferrod to Von^atabu. £ m* sending ooploa of this latter to *