wmmm COPY FOR 6$ CYPHER TELEGRAM from the Governor of Pi^i to the Secretary of State for the Coloniee. Dated 24th October, 1939 Received 3.5 a.m. 24th October, No. 211* Secret* Paragraph 7. O.D.C* minute No. 334 enclosed in your- eeoret uoapatoh 20th March. Am anxious to know if E:?.s ifejefity's Government in New Zealand have yet informed you if they are prepared to accept ^commendation Kg. 33 o? K'ew Zealand Defence Conference report to despatch a "brigade of Now Zealand troopo to Fi;}i in case of emergency. If aot, roay I communicate direct with Kew Zealand on the subject. Very little information is necesaary to enable arrsnseinonvs to be made here to accommodate and feed any such sscpeoiticnary force.