1 i #oveaba»* affigg | fa directed by "to. ^cretnry JfaeDoaald to trs&s&'ii to you, to bo befovaViaootutt Haliffc*. a eo$y of** despatch frat* the High Coiaaiaaionoy f«r tte western 1*fteiS'ie» p»£osiag that a branch of tha ailbert and Kliiee Xalanda Coloaiy Bostal "fiarvice, should to established oS-^aM^ island. Thia j^ropoisi?! has alraadjr f©raed %h*? aubJaeC aef&i-offioial correspond- aaea undor ?omlgn Qfflee reference %T6980/S3/feS. fc. Hairing ragard to the tt*rs&a $f articiaa 8 and 3 of the Xxohanga of llotaa oiRSw 6th of A$rli* ter. MatfDonald would be gratcfro iif Itta 3£»jeaty*a ^abasaaftor l^%ta^%toii coulii be iaatructad to naeartain fro» the OaY&rnaaat of tte United atatea of •laariea tlmt tha? h«*a ao objection to this propoaal. 8. wmim cm®. 8. In this eotroaetiott, 1 m to lavita attention to tits oaalossti co^y of I telegram from «$aV* |i» Kajftatgr** Oovejraae'it 1a 3** ^ilnad. (t* copy of thif* telagraa vn@ aant a*uKi~offi«i«Ily to the Foreign Office i& a lattar fro* tfco fcoaiitions Office of tho &*tk of Qetofeer). Mr* aaeSonald is advised that the arrsi*«ai«mta soataaplated U>jr Paa American MrwjNl as stated; la this teXagvaa rsaount in efffrct tajjMtjiM^^ gyBNiy^^wa»: on Canton lalsaa* His Ma pasty's OosanMsw'W'tiie Onito*" Xtag&m Uftve apparently received so notification froa the fcoveraseirt of tlaa Waited state* reg*trdi& these arrangaseata* cut it mr be considered appropriate to refer to th<*tt in a$£>roae1aing the United 'states oovernnaat »og«*