)Pacific Islands No.1274. BRITISH EMBASSY «uhxibt»h o#c« Mweribev uth iaa»# My MN| Rff In accordance With the tnetruetions contained is your telegram M0#7at of Sevenber 4th, tho Counsellor of Hit Majesty's Embassy visited tho State Department to#day and loft with tho Chief of tho European Division on aide-nftraoire, of which a oepy la oncloood horein» regarding tho statua of certain islands In tho Pacific OSOStt* S. Mr* Hftffat ooenod to understand that tboro troro good reasons for doloy In carrying tho discussion regarding thteo lalondo aoy further Just yet, but ho oectaed odxIous to get tho question finally cleared up* Mr* Ballot referred ©nee novo to tho itnportance attached by Bio IUJecty*o Senremmeste to tho subject of transpacific aviation, and especially fooilttioo for landing in Hawaii* 1* Mr. Mallet wont on to ref or to tho reports which had hoen received f*oa Hio Majesty'e High Coaniosloner for the Meetern Pacific regarding tho activities of tho United statca survey expedition during August and September at Hull and Sydney Islands. He told Mr. Moffat that ho naturally did not wioh to suggest that My sinlntor interpretntloo should bo placed on these activities in view of tho asaurance given by the state Dopartneot that they sere "entirely eolentSffto«|ind without reference to tho title to tho islands"? Mr« Koffet void that ho had heard nothing about all this and that he felt sure that there could Tho Might BoM09V»h%tooouiit Halifax K*8#* etc*. dtOtt# etc. L:VALM:MS be bo desire- to do anything whioh might embarrass us* Ho would moke enquiries on the subject* 4* Bo has since telephoned to Mr.Mallet that the Survey Ship, whioh is now on its way to Kcuador, reported that it enjoyed the best possible relations with the officials on the islands, and that the blasting and erection of polos were part of the normal and necessary operations for carrying out a hydrographlo survey of this type* 5. The rapidity with whioh the State Department undertook this enquiry^hows* X think, that they were most anxious to *eaove any impression $8 Tour Lordship's mind that they wore engaged in any sinister activities behind our backs. 1 beve the honour to bo, with the higtest respect* My Lord, T©ur L©pdship*s moot obedient, humble servant, ' : tmm iu«