Pacific Islands {Gutfiu^*) j9>rJ3* H 8RX7XSH EMBASW, WASHIKOTOH* D« G. Secenfcer M*h# X999» instructions fun Ria Mejesty»s Principal Haeretary of State foj? foreign Affairs, X have the honour to inform yon that fox* son* tl»* past the Acting Acte&?i$«$W*tive QfSftftgfeF at Canton Island has been receiving re que a ta frost the real- dents of the Ieland fox supplies of ©tlfrert and Ellice Islands ©olony postage stamps. He has also received requests tog' the acceptance of ready* stamped envelopes and. packets for postage butt baa been un&hle to ooxoply as there la no British Feat Office in the island* h$m$m Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D. C*