r Copy. (A 68^/360/46). DRAFT. Bir, vith reference to the supplementary Convention between Hie Majesty The Kin** my iovereign, In respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ar.d Northern Ireland, the Commonwealth of Australia and the dominion of New 2-ealand, on the one port, and the United tales of America on the other port, signed at Washington on May 27, 1956, amending Artiele IV and the second paragraph of Article VI of the convention concerning the tenure and disposition of real and personal property between Her Majesty The Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United states of America, Bigned at Washington on March 2, 1899, I have the honour to inform you, under instructions from His Majesty's Principal Secretary of .-;tate for Foreign Affairs, that His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland and New Zealand have recommended to His Majesty that the supplementary Convention should be ratified in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and New Zealand, respectively, but that His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia has not felt able to malce a similar reooraioendfi 11 on. 2. I am accordingly instructed to inform yo \ that His Majesty's ratification of the supplementary Convention la made in reapect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in reapect of the Dominion of New Zealand/ The Honourable Cordell Hull, Secretary of ;tete of the United tateo of America, Washington, D.O. 0 Zealand and that It doea not Inolude the Commonwealth of Auatralla, in respect of which the aald supplementary Convention alao was atgned. 5. In proceeding thia day to the exchange of ratification8 of the supplementary Convention I have alao to Inform you that I am Instructed by His Majesty*a principal Secretary of c?tate for Foreign Affaire to propoae that it be agreed between the respective Governments that the exchange of ratif Icatlma made today pursuant to Article II of the Supplementary Convention shall have the effect of bringing the Supplementary Convention into force between the United otatea of America on the one hand and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and New Zealand on the other but ahall not have effect in respect of the Commonwealth of Auatralla, It la further propoaed that the coming into force of the Supplementary Convention between the united states of America and the Commonwealth of Australia ahall be regarded as in auapense until such time aa there ahall be deposited with the oovernment of the United jtatca of Aw*rlca a ratification in reapeet of that Commonwealth. 4* I have alao been Instructed to auggeat that if the foregoing propoaale be acceptable to the Oovernment of the United >tatea of America, ray present note, together with your note in reply thereto informing me of your Oovernment'a acceptance of thoee propoaala shall be regarded aa placing on record the underatanding between His '(a jetty's oovernmenta in the United Kingdom and New /iealand, and the Government of the United nates of America, concerning the effect of the exchange of ratifications. I have, etc.,