? DRAFT. Sxcellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Kxcellency's note of this date In which* with reference to the Supplementary Convention between the United States of America on the one part and His Majesty In respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Commonwealth of Australia and the jomlnion c.f New /.ealand, on the other part, signed at ashington on May 27, 1936, amending Article IV and the second paragraph of Article VI of the convention concerning the tenure and disposition of real snd personal property between the United states of America and Her Majesty The :;ueen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, signed at ffaehington on March 2, 1899, you Inform me by Instruction from Ml (aje-.ty's Principal 3ecretary of r;tate for Foreign Affairs that His Majesty's Governments In the United Kingdom of Greet Britain and Northern Ireland and New /.ealand have recoimended to His Majesty that the Supplementary convention should be ratified in reapect of the nnited Kingdom of Oreat Britain and Northern Ireland and the Dominion of New Zealand, respectively, but that His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia has not felt able to make a similar recommendation. /our excellency accordingly informs M that His Majesty's ratification of the supplementary convention consequently is made in respect of the mlted Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and In respect of the Dominion of Hew Zealand, and that it does not Include the Commonwealth of Australia, in respect of which the said Supplementary Convention also was signed* in/ His excellency The Hight Honorable The aarouess of Lothian* C.H., British Ambassador* in proceeding today to the exchange of ratifications of the Supplementary convention you alao inform me that you are Instructed by Hla Majesty'a Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affaira to propose that it be agreed between the respective oovernmenta that the exchange of ratifications made today pursuant to Article XI of the Supplementary Convention shall have the effect of bringing the Supplementary Convention into force between the united States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and 7»w Zealand, but not In respect of the commonwealth of Australia, and further to propose that the coming into force of the Supplementary convention between the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Australia shall be regarded as in suspension until such time as there shall be deposited with the aovernment of the United states of America a ratification in respect of that Commonwealth. Your excellency alao suggests, under instructions from your Government, that if the foregoing proposals be acceptable to the Government of the United States of America, Your Kxcellency'b note, together with my note In reply thereto informing you of this Government's accept«nce of those proposals shall be regarded aa placing on record the understanding between His Majesty's Governments and the Government of the United states of America concerning the effect of the exchange of ratifications. I have tne honor to inform Your ixcellency that this Government having considered the Information furnished in your note under acknowledgment and having noted in particular that His Majesty's ratification la made in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and In respect of the Dominion of New Zealand but that it does not Include the/ the Commonwealth of Australia* in respect of which the said Supplementary Convention also was signed* and likewise having noted the proposals made by your Government with reference to the effect that the exchange of ratifications shall have, accepts the proposals of your Government, namely* that It bs agreed between our two Governments that the exchange of ratifications made today pursuant to Article II of the Supplementary Convention shall have the effect of bringing the Supplementary Convention Into force between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland and New ;;ealand but not in respect of the Commonwealth of Australia, and that the coming into force of the Supplementary Convention between the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Australia shall be regarded as in suspension until such time as there shall be depoaited with the Government of the United States of America a ratification in respect of that Conrnonvsealth. It is also agreeable to this Government that Your Kxcellency's note under acknowledffnent and my present note In reply thereto Bhall be regarded as placing on record the above stated understanding between the Government of the United states of America and Hie majesty's Governments In the united Kingdom and New Zealand concerning the effect of the exchange of ratifications* Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my h 1 ghe st con ei £er at i on.