Hia anjeaty«e Qmf»«i la lb* 'Jailed rUajjaa, being dMtmi at thi* Um to aaaauta in part the dMUrnUoni ueaa oa it* behalf by Xla taaaUanay The Right Hoaorahlo The Xaniueae of Lethian, C.H., ftrltlah ifihageaaar Ixtraarulaary aad PlenipotanU/ ry, la ale aonawaie*tiom of Si^oaiT 2g 1940, to tha Oeeaiuaaut of tha Onltad 9Uto« of aaerlea, a •007 of Alia la barato ap eaaad aad aaaa a ^art hareof. Ho by theee praaeate to that and, aaka aad aaaouta tha following! Rla Bajeaty*e Qovanaaant heraay laaaa to tha felted 3Utaa of Jav arlaa for tha period of nlaoty-elna yearn fraa tha data on which poeeea- aloa tbaraof ahell be fomally traaafarrad, tha following araaa of land aad eater eltuntad la Trinidad, Britlaa *aat Indleai (I) Beginning at C,a Inter eoatl 00 of taa eaorellae vaat of H« .'ierre with lnnglavte alxty-aaa dagreea, thirV-flwe alautaa, flfty-eeven aaaonda, vaat, pro* need northerly a^nraxtaataly cixty-aeYen laaati'ad faat along taa rida* of tha aiU to taa triaaaaUUea at* 11 on narked elawutlon tan bund rod teanVy-faurj thaaaa due north laaatq alght baa if 11 faat} thaaaa dua aaat approximately ftftr-tao flu J faat to tha Junction with taa aaat aide of tha rljlil T aaj of xucicar Valley Road) thanaa northerly a^proalaetely •even auadrad faat along Mid right-of-way to taa Junction vita tha vast slda .f tha rla>t-of-wey of tha bran oh roexi aaraad in yelloej thanaa nrrthvoater— ly and weatarly a.^roadaataly alarau thouaaad tao huadrad faat along aaid right-of-way of aaid braaoh raed, aad of tha bridle , eta axtaaaloa tharaof, to tha aad of aaid bridla path* thanon north aaat approanV aataly fourtaaa iaaidrad faat to tha oho rcline* thanaa elaag aaid ahor«Xln«, atartiag aouthwaatarly, around Eatrada /olnt aad Folat Dalgada to a point n taa ahora oaa hundred faat aautkwaat of tha waatara aad af Bart* a Out} thanoa oa a straight Una throu£i taa trlaagulatioa et*tton narked elomtlon four huadrad alxty-tao to taa shore Una; thanaa around 'oint Gourde to taa point of beginning j and, la addition thereto, Gaaparillo 1'ilaaa" aad five 1 land a; tha aevaral araaa totaling ev^roodnetely twalre a^uaro alien* ftofereaa*»l Map of Trinidad aad Tobago. 3oalet 1-30,030, :*heet U (2) fttlnnlng «t the road JisjsjUub apnea*lea icly 2000 links eeet of the ftits»ano Uw crossing of the mWn road (approximate mnlliiitoit - 477*000 links «^ 43M00 links north)) tan generally north slang boundary Um of fhisngpsi bwrii *p;*roxi- mUIj 7000 Uaks to angle la boundary Um| thence vast about 4530 links to intereeetlc* with Quenapa Rive*) thenae gswsrall/ north along faaucBC Kinr to boundary of Ouaaepe Reserve) thence acnerally sest along Guaneoo Reserve boundary to point at 06,900 Unktt north and 47t,7>0 Unks oaati thence aaat aj*. proximately 20,100 link*) than— south approximately 9000 Unto to northwest comer of Oualco - Telenets Reserve) thsncs southeast along Reserve boundary to coordinate Um 470,000 iinre north) thonoo aaat , along thin lino about 7900 links to intorssatlon nth read) thence south**** generally parallel with road betesan Valencia and ..'aagre-Orande torn to comer of Reserve) than— along Riisrrs boundary to point on boundary at 522,400 links oast and 413,500 links north; thence southaft.it t-bout yjOO links to point on Resoisc boundary) thence gonorally south, vast, and north along tbs Reserve boundary to point at about 4*9,000 links oast and 411,^50 links north} tonnes goosr'.lly north eereee arlpo Aiver to aoutheest corner of Conn* to Reserve) thence gonsrally north along Reserve boua* duty to coordinate lino 420*000 Uaks north j thence vast along this Uns about 10,000 links) thence north to point of boglswing, tho satire tract containing ap- proximately olghtoon square alias; provided, that the existing rtght-of-eoya for too Kaeters sals/ Road and tho Trinidad Government RaUvey *lthin ths ; areel shall ba oacluded* Reference* Bap of Trinidad and Tobago. 3c*1oj 1*50,000, Saaete B, C, and t. (3) beginning at road sros&lng northaast of Loagdonvllle at about 409,500 links oast and $66,600 Uaks north* thsnoo north along road (exclusive) about 2000 links) thonno sast bout 4500 links) thonno south about 3000 links) thsnss aast about 11.400 links to road) thsnoo south along rood (exclusive) about 4500 links to road junction j thanos southonst slang trail (exclusive) about 3900 links to strsaa Uns) thsnoo aoutheest about 4500 Uaks to luvlne 3ablo) thonno gsnnrally aast along Basins Sable to crossing of improved mad) thonno northsaat to road Junction) thsnoo gnu orally north along road (exclusive) to point of beginning, tho entire tract containing approximately tee square alios* References Sap of Trinidad end Tobago, applet 1-50,000. Sheet &. (4) Beginning at point a rood f ran Mature to Toco shore Prineru Prim Elver cevasea it) thence gsncrally north* east along the road (exclusive) to the Sellbea Kiverf theses generally uouth along lac Caliber. River to tho shore of ."aline Bay, tbanco along the shoreline of 3a» Uns Bay to the uouth of Frlaora Pria fciver) thence to point of beginning, the entire tract containing ap^ronV aately nlnety-clx acrea. Reference! nap of Trinidad and Tebeno* Scalei 1-50,030, Sheet C. (5) Twelve hundred reet of existing *a*rfeg« lAdiwoT the exiatlng transit theda » ths uUr front at Port or 3pein, TrUiiuad, reserving to His ftejssty** Goveraaent the right to om tho foregoing wharfage and shade, +hm end aa conditions ;>emit. (6) The anchorage nUr« La tha Gulf of Peris lying aorta of tha Una (wUn-'td) of tba /resent dredged ehannel to Port of Spain, and west of tbo longitude •f Omm Point shell bo subject to too ©octroi of tho United Statea of >«erio», when and aa notiflod to lis aaj eat/1 a Gororonent. Thoae anchorage waters are designated as tho "united States fleet anchor* (7) Tho exact aetee and boanoa of tho above ioooribed areas snail bo oatablishod by survey* Tho grant of tho foregoiag areas of land and eater shall Include tho followingl (a) Tho right, power, and authority to use, fill, and occupy tho on* tors adjaoont to said areas and to improve sad asspsa tho entrensss there to and tho snchoregee thereof and generally to do any sad all things aeceseery to fit tho premise* for one as naval and air beaee« (b) Kxeluaive right.-, peeer, authority and control within tho efcre- Mid area* and within tho territorial waters and sir spa—a adjacent to or in tho vicinity of such areas sarsjept aa hereinafter otherwise provided* (a) Tho right, power, and authority to aeassss military control sad conduct military operations within any pert of Trinidad sad surrotavHng waters and air space to tho extent which aay boeoac osees nary or siaifsa isat for tho rotootion of the , ro^srty, inatnasentalitias, and Activities of tho United States of is**riot or otherwise to safeguard its national la- (d) The right, power, and authority to control the snohorage, a oar iags, aoveaoat*, ooweuni cations and operation* of whatever character of all ships sad water borne craft rtthln the Halts of the areas leased, the waters of "Tho United States fleet I amen rigs' sad the territorial wetera adjacent thereto or in the vicinity f such anchorages and arcee to the ex- tant that nay be determined as necessary or convenient in the una, control and defease of ouch areee. (•) to* via**, pMti m* lotoooiy to omtrol too MMMm fUatoo, loin— ¦¦—!»»¦» oad aporottM of oil aimfl «Md» too n iu of too mm loooodj oad vitoia too too^torlol «tm oai oi* fMM ¦djMB* Uar UtUi rloinlty *T MMVllfMMMM* MlWtMl IB too (f) too riafct, pev«r, and ovtoorlty to wpUte Mi Mini all lator- aol oad IB—illi'Itimp of *wto»or mUn fM, tit oad vifeia (g) %o rta*** poror, Mi outoorlt* *• «vW oai **o all •v /ubiic lUUUM, MfltiN and foaUlUoo, oil n^i, oiatoar $ orld«oo» VUdMtB9 «Hil Mi oialloV OaOMlll Of trMofOrtoMM *> too AM Mi vMtar .too mm oockUUobo bo llo ttajo»V*» fliriBBBBl i» (a) %m rtfht, ?o«ov, Mi outoortV to taotoU9 ooloUln Mi ot ouch oUaoo «td oito* «o oay too MNMiy or niBMiorty oitoor on Xoad or la too om avoa of "Iho Ooltod Stotoo floot Jaofcofaa*** or»»to»tv ro, MoBroaior dofooooo, aioe*, not*, booas, oooai oHnUm oad otoor elallor BOOtiM, aUitory polUo, iwl> control iUHom, lla%to, oaralaf •»* tltill l| dowlooo owl otoor oUilar ftilUttoi to too ostoat to*t uoy bo Mr ooovoaloBt to too boo* aoatool wad pntootl^o of loo (i) tho rUht, po««r# oad *utbority to ooqul.ro 07 ^lowtor froa Bio B*Jootr*0 OovonoMi for too uacxpirod portod of toil X«aoo» *ito- out aoaiHori.tloa otoor tooa Jaot oooaoaootlaa to ?rl*tto ooaarj* if oajr, oddltl*aol 0*000, attoa, loooUoaft, *od fl#W««ijri for MulXi*rj •lrer«ft loadls* fioXiOA roods, 00000007*9 Urttaao, oooor Uno># oator wanes, ooooro oad olalUr fooUlUo* to oooa oatoat »• 007 00 foond noooo *ry or juubM' loot for too ooto»Uobo«At» aolAtonttfioo, u.o «aa protooti«*» of aawa and air bom 1 to too oforooold looooi orooo* (J) too rlottj irowwr, cod authority, vltocdt oo*old«r«Uoa otoor toaa jaot coopomiMttoB to prltoto OMore9 if 0*7* to on tor upon «o/ pro£*rtty la oanUonoaa w of tho wharf*** losood lo tho Oaitod SUUi of iaarloa. Opo* th* cooploftloa of ouoL •har/a** and oho* tho Oaitod Statoo of iaarloa will ouiroodor too vfaorfa*• aad ahodo frootod It la thia l«Mt (p) tho rltfit to yrooaro, unOor tho mm Ura* and cwaUtloao a* His lajoatr** Goromaont, oapfcuU froa tho "fitch Uka* at U lroa for too la aoeatructi<* of uTtl aad tray btMi U Triaidod. (0 Ixoopt aa howla «U«rviM proaldad, tho r'_£it, ;>ovor, and aathav* It/ to um all ;«bUo loads, ti«i| altos, forts, 4ook*# plors, .tajo, bortha, ahopo, ropalr faolUtioa, arooaola, Mgaite9 oad hoaplUla to too oxtoat ohiofa aagr ^iii a.....iry or ooarsaloat for tfot protortloa of tho proporfr, iaotroaoaUUtUot oad «etiwlU«e of tho Oaitod SUtoo, or otharmlM to oafo~ twrd IV aatloaol latoroota aithoat ooapoaoatloa otfcor thaa nloaorsiooat of oar additional oorl dlrostly rooaltlag froa oath uao. (r) Tho /rirUoo of iaportia** froo froa all daoa, laajioti, oaaiaao, toll?, ountooa, lorios, or aoXMMti of aaj aataro whatever, all oatpa» hooto, alrorwXt, arms, aoatitJeary, oappliea, eotoriola, oquloaoct, tlothlafc hoaoohold fainlohlnpa, prorloloao, tr#**$ warot* ¦¦lolioalloa oad artlaloa aiall*r to too aforwoaid, aonalajjod to or darUaad for any aatUUr °* tho Oaitod Statoc of laorloa, it* aiUUrr, aarel, or OlrU parooaaal oad tholr foailioa, oootrootoro oad tholr foailloo, oaajoot to too ooarfitloa that ortU oloo oo laportod wball not ho ftrthor oold or troaoforro«1 o othor iateroato U Triaidod. (•) Tho Oaitod Stotao of iaorlsa a*roaa toot It will potato tho f no oat roaidaat* of tho .>ropaoad aowal haoo alto otto ero aoa oajaaod la tho Uoa of flohlaa to aontlaao la that oooapatloa awhjoot to onofc rmoaMi ooatroi m 007 bo proscribed or appropriate Oaitod dUtee ailitarj or aeval HhwMfo (t) thm Oaitod Stetee of Morloa 047000 toot tho cltlooaa of Triaidod oho aey ho poralttod by tho Oaitod States to rooldo la, to ho oaployad or otherwise created prlwUeajee of aslaf faolllUoo withla a ioaaod area, wUl ho pondttod appropriate aooao of misi thereto. r**or, and omttoritr to mm oU iM plant, too ii......I lMite a ami* to aa too alto of roiat itiao iUU« on Won Til onto, tno Cnitod statoo or toorton atoll to »;« bo ooUantUn to layrovo in oili or la port for boo at aooml or air nor « r9 or antoorlty awroto fWM| on* if 1% atoll osy ovon rl**tf ,*wr, or autaorlty oboU* too orlrllogo of 1 Blioloi any port or oU of too f©ro- ot any Uao without o aoont of Rio tojooty*a too am ami ana altoont laonirlaj o»7 Polio*tloa *7 room of mob itiBilnaniaW Too Oaitod ttoto* of toorioo atoll bo ondar bo obligation or rooaoojl bllltr f«r **• otool wtolnlrnratVni or Aofonno of trial to I or amy port tooro-. of 9 or for too aalatojianoo of ailiUry or naval Aran attain or vitoont too Crtooo and nlontoaannro coonittod oltain too loanod aroa* during onpotlon and boo tooraf by too Oaitod St* too of iojorlto onaU to yaatabaMo oitoor by too Oaitod Stotoa or too onlomUl outhorltloo U aooortonoo oito toolr mpootlto lono, dononnont noon -Mob atoll flrat aoavlr* Jurl-dlcUoc of too oorsoB of too affoadorj ma aft toot oitoor 40004 unoiil nay on rorpoot dolitor too offondar \o too otoor for trial* tt*t la oU ooooo too oolonial aovaranont ia*ll tolas to trial all offoBrforo toraod ovor v> it by too Oaitod Stotoo upon rogaoot of too oolonUl autooritlo* or otooroloo, »ad toot all offOBdoro to toe oorfioo of too Oaitod £tota», olrU or ailitory, onall am danand to •pproaoaood and dolioorod to too tfoooranont of too Oaitod Stoto* for trial anotoor or not to* effoaoo vito tolon otorfod 00* ooanlttod